MNYPAA Bid Requirements

The completion of the following requirements must be met , in writing and a presented in the form of a “Bid Packet” to be considered a MNYPAA Bid Committee. Two copies of this “packet” must be presented to the Advisory Council Chairperson after the Friday night speaker of the Conference. Digital copies of the Bid Packet will be e-mailed 14 days prior to the conference to All bids will be considered.

  1. We strongly encourage members of all ages to participate; however, we do ask that each committee have at least two members who have one or more years of sobriety.

  2. Bid Committees must have commitments from at least two hotels including dates showing availability of main ballroom and panel/meeting rooms in the hotels, and proof that the hotels require no commitments as to the number of people attending.

  3. Supply a list of any large-scale AA activities, and other major city events that are scheduled near the proposed conference dates to demonstrate due diligence of avoiding conflicts with other events.

  4. Bid Committees must provide two statements of support from the AA area chairperson, current or former delegate to the general service conference or the intergroup secretary.

  5. Each Bid Committee will be required to provide financial records from all committee activities, demonstrating financial autonomy and responsibility within the spirit of AA’s Twelve Traditions.

  6. Bid Committees are highly recommended to use the financial template created by Advisory. 

  7. Bid Committees must notify the Advisory Council Chair 30 days prior to the annual MNYPAA conference with their intent to bid. The intent to bid must be sent by email to

  8. Bid Committees must present their bid to the Advisory Council on Saturday morning bid session in 30 minutes or less.

  9. Each Bid Committee must provide a concise, written statement illustrating the need for this conference in their area.

  10. Bid Committees must have available a temporary pre-registration flyer. Do not include future conference dates or hotel information.

  11. Each Bid Committee must provide 2 complete copies of the above stated bid requirements (Bid Packet) to the Advisory Council Chairperson after the Friday night speaker of the Conference. Digital copies of the Bid Packet will be e-mailed 14 days prior to the conference to 

  12. Prospective Bid Committees must read, understand and be prepared to agree with the requirement as written in the Host Committee Responsibilities, MNYPAA Bylaws and the Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policies.

  13. All bids will be considered.